Trash-Mailer for IDN Domains
1 min readAug 20, 2018
I was looking on the internet for a IDN-Compatible Trash-Mailer, result: none found.
So I just fired up my own…
In case you are also looking for one, you’ll find it on: displays all messages that arrive on
It’s really simple, I just needed it to do the job, once. If it ends up being used heavily, I might invest some energy to make it more beautiful.
Build your own
Also, if you don’t want to use mine, feel free to get inspired howto build your own trash-mailserver, here’s what I did:
- Using docker image hmlio/spamsink as a really simple Mail-Server that stores every mail it receives into a folder
- Using docker image halverneus/static-file-server to serve the received mail files back to any browser
- Adding a index.html so people would now where they end up and what this is about
- Bundling it all together into a docker-compose.yml file
All this can be found on github:
Have fun with it!